Colombian Jazz blend consists of coffee beans originating from groups of small holders primarily based within the Huila region in the South West of Colombia. This area is also home to Colombia’s second highest peak: the Nevado del Huila volcano. This region has all the attributes that are needed to produce an exceptional coffee; volcanic soils, high altitude, plenty of rainfall and forests that provide shade. Traditional farming methods are still used to produce this world-renowned high quality coffee.
Colombian Jazz has been roasted to bring the chocolate and caramel notes through and with careful roasting we have managed to maintain the amazing fruit acidity. This is a complex roast that will reward careful extraction. It is good 4 days after roasting but hits its best 10 to 14 days after roasting as the balance of all the flavour notes align and will keep very well.
Farm: Small holders in the Huila region
Altitude: 1200 – 2000 masl
Location: Huila, Colombia
Preparation: Washed
Variety: Caturra, Typica, Bourbon
Country of Origin: Columbia